Forgive me for being so smug all these years.  I’ve lived in Austin since 1995 and have never felt a thing – not one wheeze or sneeze. Last week introduced me to the nasal congestion, lung irritation, foggy head, sneezy sleep fest that is Austin allergies. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the lovely Chinese herbal remedies that will help you alleviate your acute symptoms, prevent congestion from developing further into infection, and balance your immune system so that you can avoid allergies altogether.


BI YAN PIAN – use for pollen & dust allergies characterized by sneezing, itchy/red/watery eyes, runny nose.
(Great basic airborne allergy formula when your key symptoms are sneezing & eye irritation)


PE MIN KAN WAN – use for acute and chronic sinus congestion/pain, headache, earache.
(Also great for allergies, but preferred over Bi Yan Pian if nasal congestion is your worst symptom)


JADE SCREEN & XANTHIUM FORMULA – use to both strengthen the immune system and address nasal/sinus symptoms.


YIN QIAO JIE DU PIAN – use for early stage common cold or flu with symptoms of sore throat, low grade fever, thirst, achy neck/shoulders, headache, swollen glands, or dry cough. (Use within the first 12-24 hours of sore throat and general aching to fight off infection and prevent the progression of disease)


GAN MAO LING – use for symptoms of common cold or flu, fever with chills, swollen lymph glands, headache, nasal discharge, muscle aches. (If you didn’t get to the Yin Qiao formula in time and your symptoms have progressed for longer than 24hours, Gan Mao Ling may be a more appropriate choice)


Let’s all get well & stay well!